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Injury at Work Lawyer Buffalo, NY

Injury at Work Lawyer Buffalo, NY

As your injury at work lawyer Buffalo, NY residents trust from Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy, LLP may inform you of during a consultation, workplace retaliation does exist and does happen to innocent people. While most people believe that their employer will be supportive after a workplace injury accident, this isn’t always the case. In fact, some employers may even go as far as punish, mistreat, harass, or retaliate against a worker for applying for and using workers compensation benefits.

If you are someone who was recently seriously hurt while at work, then you need legal guidance. Many injured workers don’t even realize the extent to which they can seek compensation for an incident that happened while on the job site, or while traveling but still performing a work-related duty. Do not hesitate to contact an injury at work lawyer Buffalo, NY employees trust for strategic legal counsel. 

Workers Comp Lawyer NY

Common Causes of Injuries at Work

Injuries in the workplace are an unfortunate reality, affecting thousands of employees annually. Understanding the common causes of these injuries is essential for prevention and appropriate response. Should you find yourself in a situation where you’ve sustained an injury at work, knowing your legal rights and options, including consulting an injury at work lawyer in Buffalo, NY, can be crucial. This essay will explore the common causes of workplace injuries and highlight the role of legal assistance, particularly the services provided by Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

One of the most prevalent causes of workplace injuries is slips, trips, and falls. These accidents can occur due to wet floors, uneven surfaces, or obstructed pathways. Employers are responsible for maintaining a safe environment, but accidents can still happen. When they do, it’s important to understand your rights and the steps to take. Consulting with an injury at work lawyer can provide clarity on how to proceed with a claim.

Overexertion and Repetitive Strain Injuries

Overexertion, often resulting from lifting heavy objects, and repetitive strain injuries, caused by continuous, repetitive motions, are significant contributors to workplace injuries. These injuries can lead to chronic pain and long-term health issues. In such cases, seeking legal advice can be beneficial. Firms like Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy specialize in understanding the nuances of such cases, ensuring that employees receive fair compensation for their injuries.

Machinery and Equipment Accidents

In industries where heavy machinery and equipment are used, the risk of severe injuries increases. Accidents can be due to equipment malfunction, lack of training, or inadequate safety measures. Understanding the legal implications and the employer’s liability is crucial in such situations. An experienced injury at work lawyer in Buffalo, NY, can guide you through the complexities of these cases.

Exposure to Harmful Substances

Exposure to hazardous chemicals or environments can lead to serious health issues. Employers must provide proper protective equipment and training to handle such materials. If you suffer from an injury due to exposure to harmful substances, seeking legal counsel is vital to understand your rights and potential compensation.

Stress and Mental Health Injuries

Workplace stress and mental health issues are increasingly recognized as legitimate causes of injury at work. These can stem from overwork, harassment, or a toxic work environment. Addressing these issues legally can be complex, but firms like Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy are equipped to handle such sensitive cases with the required expertise and empathy.

Vehicle-Related Accidents

For jobs that involve driving or operating vehicles, accidents can lead to significant injuries. Whether it’s due to poor vehicle maintenance or driver error, understanding the legal aspects of such incidents is crucial. Legal professionals can provide guidance on how to navigate these situations, ensuring fair treatment and compensation.

The Role of Legal Assistance

In the event of a workplace injury, seeking legal advice is a critical step. An injury at work lawyer can help navigate the complex legal landscape, ensuring that your rights are protected. Firms like Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy in Buffalo, NY, specialize in workplace injury cases, offering the expertise needed to secure just compensation.

Workplace injuries can have a profound impact on your life and livelihood. Understanding the common causes of these injuries is the first step in prevention and response. Should you find yourself in need of legal assistance, remember that we at Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy are here to help. Our team of experienced attorneys can guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that your rights are upheld and you receive the compensation you deserve.

Who is Liable For My Injuries

Determining liability for injuries, whether they occur in the workplace, in public spaces, or due to a product malfunction, is a complex process that requires careful consideration of various legal principles. The brand Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy specializes in navigating these complexities, ensuring that individuals who have suffered injuries understand who is liable and how to seek compensation. This discussion will explore various scenarios where determining liability is key and how professional legal guidance can be crucial in these situations.

Injuries in the Workplace

Workplace injuries are common and can range from minor accidents to severe incidents. Employers are generally responsible for maintaining a safe work environment and adhering to safety regulations. If an injury occurs due to an employer’s negligence or failure to comply with safety standards, they may be held liable. However, there are instances where liability is not clear-cut, such as when an employee’s actions contribute to their injury. In such cases, understanding the nuances of workers’ compensation laws and negligence claims becomes vital. We at Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy are experienced in interpreting these laws and can help determine the liable party and guide clients through the process of seeking compensation.

Public Liability

When injuries occur in public spaces, such as a slip and fall in a store or an accident in a public park, determining liability can be complicated. Public liability involves the legal responsibility of property owners and operators to ensure their premises are safe for public use. If an injury occurs due to their failure to maintain safe conditions, they may be held liable. However, proving negligence can be challenging, requiring thorough investigation and legal expertise. Legal professionals at Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy can assist in gathering evidence, establishing negligence, and pursuing rightful compensation.

Product Liability

Product manufacturers and distributors have a duty to ensure that their products are safe for use. If an injury results from a defective or unsafe product, the manufacturer or distributor may be liable. Product liability cases can involve complex legal principles, such as strict liability or breach of warranty. In these cases, it’s crucial to have legal representation that understands product liability laws and can help establish the link between the product defect and the injury. Our team at Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy has the expertise to handle these intricate cases.

Auto Accidents

Determining liability in auto accidents often involves understanding the nuances of traffic laws and insurance policies. The driver who caused the accident due to negligence, such as speeding or driving under the influence, is typically held liable. However, there can be situations where liability is shared, or other factors, such as vehicle malfunctions, come into play. Legal professionals can help navigate these complexities, deal with insurance companies, and ensure fair compensation.

Medical Malpractice

Medical professionals are expected to provide a standard level of care. If an injury occurs due to a medical professional’s negligence or failure to meet these standards, they may be held liable for medical malpractice. These cases require an understanding of medical practices and standards, making them particularly complex. Legal counsel with experience in medical malpractice cases, like Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy, is essential in these situations.

Determining liability for injuries requires a deep understanding of various legal principles and the ability to navigate complex legal processes. Whether it’s a workplace injury, a public liability case, a product defect, an auto accident, or medical malpractice, establishing who is liable is crucial for seeking compensation. We at Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy are dedicated to helping our clients understand who is liable for their injuries and guiding them through the process of claiming compensation. Our expertise and commitment ensure that our clients receive the support and representation they need during such challenging times.

Understanding Retaliation in the Workplace

In the professional arena, employees are entitled to a discrimination-free work environment. This encompasses the right to claim benefits under workers’ compensation without fear of repercussions. Legally, this act of claiming such benefits is recognized as a protected activity. However, if an employer responds to this protected activity with adverse employment actions due to the employee’s utilization of workers’ compensation benefits, this may constitute retaliation. Retaliation is a serious offense, and employers can be held legally accountable for such behavior. For this to apply, the employee’s claim for benefits must have been made in good faith, without any fraudulent intent. Below, we delve into more specific indicators that could signify that you might be experiencing retaliation in your workplace:


A clear sign of potential retaliation is demotion. If you find that your job title, responsibilities, or status within the company have been unjustly lowered following your claim for workers’ compensation, this might be an act of retaliation. This can include being shifted from managerial duties to a lower-level position without a valid reason.

Termination or Firing

One of the most severe forms of retaliation is termination or firing. If your employment is abruptly ended or you’re dismissed without a legitimate cause, especially after filing a workers’ compensation claim, this could be a retaliatory action by your employer.

Reduction in Salary or Hourly Pay

Another indicator of possible retaliation is a reduction in your salary or hourly wage. This means that post your workers’ compensation claim, if your paycheck sees an unexplained decrease, or if there’s a sudden, unjustified cut in your hourly rates, it could point to retaliatory motives.

Shift Reassignments Causing Hardship

Employers may sometimes subtly retaliate by reassigning shifts, resulting in significant hardship or inconvenience. This could involve assigning night shifts to someone who has only worked days, or drastically changing your work hours, leading to challenges in balancing work and personal life.

Unexpected Negative Performance Reviews

Receiving a negative performance review unexpectedly, especially if your work history has been consistently positive, can be a sign of retaliation. This might occur after filing for workers’ compensation, and the negative review may lack substantial evidence or justification.

Exclusion from Trainings or Staff Meetings

Being suddenly and inexplicably left out of important training, meetings, or team activities can also be a form of workplace retaliation. This exclusion could hinder your professional development and career advancement opportunities and may be a reaction to your workers’ compensation claim.

Recognizing signs of retaliation is crucial for protecting your rights as an employee. If you believe that you are a victim of such workplace retaliation, it is advisable to seek legal guidance. Legal professionals can offer support and advice on how to address these issues and help ensure that your rights are upheld in the face of retaliatory actions by an employer.

Proving That Your Employer Retaliated

Proving that your employer retaliated against you for engaging in a protected activity, such as filing a workers’ compensation claim or reporting discrimination, can be a challenging yet essential endeavor for safeguarding your rights. At Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy, we understand the intricacies involved in these cases and are committed to guiding employees through the process with expertise and sensitivity.

Understanding Employer Retaliation

Before delving into how to prove retaliation, it’s crucial to understand what constitutes retaliatory behavior. Employer retaliation occurs when an employer takes adverse action against an employee for engaging in a legally protected activity. This retaliation can manifest in various forms:

  • Termination or demotion
  • Reduction in salary or hours
  • Negative performance evaluations
  • Exclusion from training or professional opportunities
  • Hostile work environment creation

Steps to Proving Employer Retaliation

Establish a Timeline of Events

  • Identifying Protected Activities: Determine when you engaged in a protected activity, such as filing a complaint, whistle-blowing, or using workers’ compensation benefits.
  • Chronology of Employer’s Adverse Actions: Document any adverse actions taken by your employer, including dates and details.

Gather and Organize Evidence

  • Performance Records: Compile your performance reviews and any commendations, showcasing your history before the alleged retaliation.
  • Communication Logs: Keep records of all relevant emails, messages, or notes that might indicate retaliatory intent.
  • Witness Statements: Collect statements from coworkers or supervisors who observed the retaliation or changes in your treatment.

Demonstrate Causal Connection

  • Temporal Proximity: Show a close time frame between your protected activity and the employer’s adverse action.
  • Inconsistencies in Employer’s Explanation: Point out any discrepancies or unjustifiable reasons provided by the employer for their actions.
  • Pattern of Retaliatory Behavior: Indicate if there’s a pattern of similar actions taken against other employees who engaged in protected activities.

Understand and Articulate the Impact

  • Professional Setbacks: Clearly articulate how the retaliatory actions have affected your career, including job loss, missed promotions, or financial losses.
  • Personal and Emotional Impact: Describe any personal or emotional effects, such as stress or damage to professional reputation.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Proving retaliation requires not only gathering evidence but also understanding the nuances of employment law. This is where the expertise of a legal team like Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy becomes invaluable.

Expert Analysis and Strategy

  • Legal Expertise: Our team can provide a thorough analysis of your situation, ensuring all relevant legal points are addressed.
  • Strategic Advice: We can guide you on the most effective strategies to present your case, including what evidence is most compelling.

Navigating Legal Processes

  • Filing Complaints: Assistance in properly filing any necessary complaints with relevant agencies or courts.
  • Negotiation and Litigation: Skilled in negotiations for settlements or prepared to take your case to court if necessary.

Support and Guidance

  • Moral Support: Having legal representation can provide a sense of security and support during challenging times.
  • Ongoing Communication: We ensure you’re kept informed and involved at every stage of your case.

Proving employer retaliation is a process that demands careful documentation, a clear understanding of employment laws, and strategic legal action. At Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy, we stand ready to support you through this challenging journey. Our team is committed to providing the expertise and guidance necessary to ensure your rights are protected and justice is served. If you suspect you are a victim of employer retaliation, remember that we are here to help you navigate these complex waters and achieve the best possible outcome.

Injuries at Work Statistics

In New York in 2021, private industry employers reported 125,500 nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses, which corresponds to an incidence rate of 2.2 cases per 100 full-time equivalent workers. This rate is notably lower than the national rate of 2.7 cases per 100 full-time workers​​.

Injury At Work FAQs

What should I do immediately after sustaining an injury at work in Buffalo, NY?

If you’re injured at work in Buffalo, NY, the first step is to seek medical attention as needed. Report the injury to your employer as soon as possible, preferably in writing, to ensure there’s a record. New York law requires employees to notify their employer within 30 days of the injury. It’s also recommended to document everything related to your injury and treatment.

How do I file a workers’ compensation claim in Buffalo, NY?

To file a workers’ compensation claim in Buffalo, NY, you need to complete and submit a C-3 form to the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. You should do this immediately after reporting the injury to your employer. It’s crucial to include detailed information about the injury and how it occurred. The form can be submitted online or mailed to the nearest Workers’ Compensation Board office.

Can I see my own doctor for a work-related injury in Buffalo, NY?

In Buffalo, NY, you have the right to see your own doctor for a work-related injury, but the doctor must be authorized by the Workers’ Compensation Board, except in emergency situations. You can find a list of authorized doctors on the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board website or ask your employer for recommendations.

What types of benefits can I receive for a workplace injury in Buffalo, NY?

In Buffalo, NY, workers’ compensation benefits can include medical care for the injury, cash benefits for lost wages if you’re unable to work, and benefits for permanent disability. The amount and duration of benefits depend on the severity of your injury and your average weekly wage prior to the injury.

What if my employer retaliates against me for filing a workers’ compensation claim in Buffalo, NY?

Retaliation against employees for filing a workers’ compensation claim is illegal in Buffalo, NY. If you face retaliation, such as termination, demotion, or reduction in hours or pay, you should report this to the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. It might also be beneficial to seek legal advice from an experienced attorney to understand your rights and options.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Navigating the complexities of workplace injuries in Buffalo, NY, requires awareness and understanding of the legal rights and procedures involved. Whether it’s seeking immediate medical attention, properly reporting the injury, understanding how to file a workers’ compensation claim, or knowing your rights regarding employer retaliation, each step is crucial for ensuring your well-being and legal protection. In cases where navigating these processes becomes overwhelming or if you face challenges such as employer retaliation, the expertise of a specialized law firm like Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy can be invaluable. Their experience in handling workers’ compensation and related legal matters in Buffalo, NY, provides a reliable resource for injured workers seeking guidance and representation.

Contact an injury at work lawyer Buffalo, NY clients depend on from Hurwtiz, Whitcher & Molloy, LLP as soon as possible for the legal advice and protection that you need as you heal from your workplace injuries. 

Client Testimonials

As a disabled claimant, I can’t thank Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy enough for guiding me through these past fourteen years. No one else wanted my Workers’ Compensation case. No one! It was complicated. There were a lot of issues that made things difficult. They stuck with it well over a decade with preparedness, intelligence and grace. Mister Melvyn, he’s a good guy. Cathy, she’s so amazing.

- Salli B.

I became a client of the Hurwitz firm in May of 1997 due to injuries I received while I was a meat cutter at I. Isenberg Meats in Buffalo, New York. Since my first encounter with your firm and up until the present day, I have been entirely satisfied with the way your firm has treated me.

- William C.

Thank you for all you do throughout the year. I know I’m in the hands of the best compensation lawyers who really care!! God bless you all.

- Michelle A.

If you are injured at work and need a workers’ comp attorney, you need Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy. They are the ‘King Pins’ of all comp attorneys. You will be taken care of every step of the way. I am a very satisfied client!

- Richard B.